toc Alerts Pylife > Alerts


Alerts can be used in multiple ways on your PyGo devices.

Alerts templates

You can use one of our 3 pre-configured templates for distance, battery monitoring and stumbling.

To create an Alert you need to:

  1. Tap Alerts on the bottom of the screen menu

  2. Tap Templates on the top of the screen header

  3. Choose the template you need

  4. Change the name, set up required conditions, set up notification method

  5. Tap Save as new Alert

The Distance Template

  • Notifies if PyGo is far or closer than N meters to the chosen location
  • Tracking of location of your beloved
  • Tracking of pets outdoors
  • Interaction between team members during sport activities

The Battery Template

  • This template helps you manage your battery life.
  • It Notifies you if your PyGo’s battery level is less than a chosen battery life %
  • This helps to prevent the PyGo running out of charge

The Stumbling Template

This template helps you receive alerts if the PyGo is carried and the accelerometer is activated for instance by someone who falls. It can also be used for other use cases.

  • It notifies you if PyGo has fallen down and stays more than a defined set of minutes
  • This could be important for the vulnerable person
  • This could also notify you that your pet has lost the PyGo device

Create alert

Create alerts

To create alert you need to:

  • Tap Alerts on the bottom of the screen menu
  • Tap Templates on the top of the screen header
  • Choose the template you need
  • Change the name, set up required conditions, set up notification method
  • Tap Save as new Alert

Create alert

Edit alerts

To edit alert you need to:

  • Tap Alerts on the botton of the screen menu
  • Tap on the alert you’d like to edit
  • Edit all needed parameters

Activate alerts

To activate alert you need to:

  • Go to the settings screen of your device
  • Choose alerts you’d like to activate


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