toc Pycoproc2
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The file is a supporting python library for the Pysense 2 and Pytrack 2 expansionboards.

The latest version of only works with a v16 or later expansionboard-firmware on the Pytrack 2 / Pysense 2. Check whether you have the correct firmware installed by using the following:

from pycoproc import Pycoproc
py = Pycoproc()

If this returns 15 or lower, please update the expansionboard firmware


class Pycoproc(i2c=None, sda='P22’, scl='P21’)

Initialise I2C communication with the supervisor MCU, if no i2c object is passed, the sda and scl pins are used. On a Pysense 2 / Pytrack 2 board, the sensors are connected on these pins.

General functions


Read the PIC firmware version. Check the update firmware if an update is available.


Read the hardware version.


Read the product ID


Returns True if the on-board MCLR button is pressed.


Returns the battery voltage


Power cycles the development module.

Power functions


This command allows switching the power supply for the SD card:

  • True: the SD card is enabled
  • False: the SD card is disabled


This command allows switching the power supply for the GPS module and any sensors connected through the external Pyport:

  • True: the power is enabled
  • False: the power is disabled


This command allows switching the GPS module into stand-by mode. The GPS module is no longer accessible via I2C in this case:

  • True: the GPS is put in standby mode
  • False: the GPS is activated.


Sets the sleep time in seconds for py.go_to_sleep(...). This method will momentarily release the USB connection, meaning you will have to reconnect the USB in Pymakr after using this method.

py.go_to_sleep([gps=True, pycom_module_off=True, accelerometer_off=True, wake_interrupt=False])

Puts the board in sleep mode. This sleep mode consumes less power than the machine.deepsleep() available from the firmware, as it turns the power to the inserted development module off.This will also disable the power to the sensors, sd card and Pyport, except for the accelerometer. Arguments are:

  • gps: Keep the GPS (if available) in standby mode while sleeping. This reduces the power consumption, but might extend the time to location fix after wakeup.
  • pycom_module_off: Turn off the power to the inserted development module. This dramatically reduces the power consumption, but will not allow for wake on accelerometer interrupt. See the example below on how to achieve that.
  • accelerometer_off: Turn off the power to the accelerometer.
  • wake_interrupt: Allow waking up from an interrupt on PIC RC1, or EXT_IO_0 on the external IO header.


Use the following example to wake up from an accelerometer interrupt:

import machine
import time
from pycoproc import Pycoproc

py = Pycoproc()
print("enable pycom module to wake up from accelerometer interrupt")
wake_pins = [Pin('P13', mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN)]
machine.pin_sleep_wakeup(wake_pins, machine.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH, True)

print("put pycoproc to sleep and pycom module to deepsleep")
py.go_to_sleep(pycom_module_off=False, accelerometer_off=False, wake_interrupt=True)
machine.deepsleep(sleep_time_s * 1000)


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