toc GPS
Firmware & API Reference > Pycom Modules > Shields > L76GNSS


The L76GNSS is the GPS module that can provide location data to your application.


class L76GNSS(pytrack = None, sda = ‘P22’, scl = ‘P21’, timeout = None)

Creates a L76GNSS object. Constructor must be passed a Pytrack or I2C object to successfully construct. Set the timeout to a period in seconds for the GPS to search for a lock. If a lock is not found by the time the timeout has expired, the coordinates method will return (None, None).


L76GNSS.coordinates(debug = False)

Read the longitude and latitude from the L76GNSS. Returns a tuple with (longitude, latitude). With debug set to True the output from the GPS is verbose.


Continuously print nmea sentences received from the L76GNSS to the REPL. This is useful if you want to use a graphical tool over UART to visualise GPS reception


Send commands to the L76GNSS. See the datasheet of the L76 for more information. Be aware that some commands might break the communication interface.


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