Pymesh BLE module enables many-to-many device connections, based on the Bluetooth module.
For the API, please check the section Pymesh BLE API.
Generic OnOff model is one of the simplest model in BLE Mesh.
This model illustrates the light-switches (OnOff Client) and light-bulbs (OnOff Server). In other words, the Client can send on/off commands to one/all nodes, and the Server is records state changes based on these commands.
OnOff Server has one boolean State. Server can Get, Set or send Status about this State to Client(s).
In the example below, during Provisioning, Output OOB
can be selected. LED is yellow in case of Not-provisioned, and green in case of Provisioned state.
Changing the State of Server, LED’s light is green or red.
from network import Bluetooth
import pycom
import time
BLE_Name = "OnOff Server 18"
def blink_led(n):
for x in range(n):
pycom.rgbled(0xffff00) # yellow on
pycom.rgbled(0x000000) # off
def server_cb(new_state, event, recv_op):
print("SERVER | State: ", new_state)
# Turn on LED on board based on State
if new_state == True:
pycom.rgbled(0x007f00) # green
pycom.rgbled(0x7f0000) # red
def prov_callback(event, oob_pass):
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_REGISTER_EVT or event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_RESET_EVT):
# Yellow if not Provision yet or Reseted
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_COMPLETE_EVT):
# Green if Provisioned
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_OUTPUT_OOB_REQ_EVT):
print("Privisioning blink LED num:", oob_pass)
# BLE Mesh module
BLE_Mesh = Bluetooth.BLE_Mesh
# Turn off the heartbeat behavior of the LED
# Need to turn ON Bluetooth before using BLE Mesh
bluetooth = Bluetooth()
# Create a Primary Element with GATT Proxy feature and add a Server model to the Element
element = BLE_Mesh.create_element(primary=True, feature=BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY)
model_server = element.add_model(BLE_Mesh.GEN_ONOFF, BLE_Mesh.SERVER, callback=server_cb)
# Initialize BLE_Mesh
BLE_Mesh.init(BLE_Name, auth=BLE_Mesh.OOB_OUTPUT, callback=prov_callback)
# Turn on Provisioning Advertisement
print("\nBLE Mesh started")
print(BLE_Name, "waits to be provisioned\n")
# After this node was provisioned
# Current state can be read using
Client can Get or Set State of Server. In case of Get, or Server Status, Client Gets the Status through the Model’s callback.
from network import Bluetooth
import pycom
import time
BLE_Name = "OnOff Client 17"
def blink_led(n):
for x in range(n):
pycom.rgbled(0xffff00) # yellow on
pycom.rgbled(0x000000) # off
def client_cb(new_state, event, recv_op):
print("CLIENT | State: ", new_state)
def prov_callback(event, oob_pass):
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_REGISTER_EVT or event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_RESET_EVT):
# Yellow if not Provision yet or Reseted
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_COMPLETE_EVT):
# Green if Provisioned
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_OUTPUT_OOB_REQ_EVT):
print("Privisioning blink LED num:", oob_pass)
# BLE Mesh module
BLE_Mesh = Bluetooth.BLE_Mesh
# Turn off the heartbeat behavior of the LED
# Need to turn ON Bluetooth before using BLE Mesh
bluetooth = Bluetooth()
# Create a Primary Element with GATT Proxy feature and add a Server model to the Element
element = BLE_Mesh.create_element(primary=True, feature=BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY)
model_client = element.add_model(BLE_Mesh.GEN_ONOFF, BLE_Mesh.CLIENT, callback=client_cb)
# Initialize BLE_Mesh
BLE_Mesh.init(BLE_Name, auth=BLE_Mesh.OOB_OUTPUT, callback=prov_callback)
# Turn on Provisioning Advertisement
print("\nBLE Mesh started")
print(BLE_Name, "waits to be provisioned\n")
# After this node was provisioned
# transmit the change of state broadcasting in the Mesh
model_client.set_state(False, 0xFFFF)
model_client.set_state(True, 0xFFFF)
# or to a unique server
model_client.set_state(False, 3)
model_client.set_state(True, 5)
In case of Sensor Models, State of Server can be modified only by Server itself, Client can only Get the State by calling Client’s Get, or by Servers Status call, but cannot modify the Server’s State.
In this example Server takes a time measurement every 1 seconds, and send a Status message every 5 seconds, after it was provisioned.
from network import Bluetooth
import pycom
import time
from machine import Timer
def read_sensor(alarm):
# In this example sensor reads local seconds
print("SENSOR | State: ", model_server.get_state())
def status_sensor(alarm):
if (device_provisioned):
def prov_callback(event, oob_pass):
global device_provisioned
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_REGISTER_EVT or event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_RESET_EVT):
# Yellow if not Provision yet or Reseted
device_provisioned = False
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_COMPLETE_EVT):
# Green if Provisioned
device_provisioned = True
# BLE Mesh module
BLE_Mesh = Bluetooth.BLE_Mesh
# Turn off the heartbeat behavior of the LED
# Need to turn ON Bluetooth before using BLE Mesh
bluetooth = Bluetooth()
# Create a Primary Element with GATT Proxy feature and add a Server model to the Element
element = BLE_Mesh.create_element(primary=True, feature=BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY)
model_server = element.add_model(BLE_Mesh.SENSOR, BLE_Mesh.SERVER, sen_min = 0, sen_max = 59, sen_res = 1)
# Initialize BLE_Mesh
BLE_Mesh.init("Pycom Sensor Server", callback=prov_callback)
# Turn on Provisioning Advertisement
# Sensor takes measurement every 1 second
Timer.Alarm(read_sensor, 1, periodic=True)
# Sensor send status every 5 seconds
Timer.Alarm(status_sensor, 5, periodic=True)
Sensor Client is looking for measurements, as Server sends Status every 5 seconds. Between these calls, Client can Get message any time.
from network import Bluetooth
import pycom
def client_cb(new_state, event, recv_op):
print("CLIENT | State: ", new_state)
def prov_callback(event, oob_pass):
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_REGISTER_EVT or event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_RESET_EVT):
# Yellow if not Provision yet or Reseted
if(event == BLE_Mesh.PROV_COMPLETE_EVT):
# Green if Provisioned
# BLE Mesh module
BLE_Mesh = Bluetooth.BLE_Mesh
# Turn off the heartbeat behavior of the LED
# Need to turn ON Bluetooth before using BLE Mesh
bluetooth = Bluetooth()
# Create a Primary Element with GATT Proxy feature and add a Server model to the Element
element = BLE_Mesh.create_element(primary=True, feature=BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY)
model_client = element.add_model(BLE_Mesh.SENSOR, BLE_Mesh.CLIENT, callback=client_cb, sen_min = 0, sen_max = 59, sen_res = 1)
# Initialize BLE_Mesh
BLE_Mesh.init("Pycom Sensor Client", callback=prov_callback)
# Turn on Provisioning Advertisement